When I was little, I liked l playing with language, but the skill of writing wasn't something to which I ever paid much attention. That all changed when I started composing my thesis in graduate school. With each round of editing and revising, my interest in the writing process emerged.
The graduate school I attended was a two-year independent/monthly meeting program. We met in person over the course of one weekend a month and then worked remotely in between. Per my usual, I decided to not only get my master's degree, but also complete a teaching license portfolio and have my first child. Needless to say, my advisors were skeptical of my ability to complete the program after the baby was born.
Little did they know that I took that skepticism as a challenge and dug deep to finish the program.
Lucky for me, I had advisors that were extremely detail oriented and systematic in their editing of my work. That, in turn, helped me to create some excellent self-editing habits that I still employ today. I correct as I go and review several times before "submitting." I review and revise my vocabulary to make my writing more interesting. This makes the process a little more time consuming initially, but results in less time taken to correct errors in the end.
I was barely keeping my head above water balancing my family, work and school life that I didn't realize what I was actually producing. It wasn't until after I had written it, edited it and submitted it that I reread my final product. That was an eye opener. Did I really write that? It was then that I recognized I had a skill that I could put to good use.
The ability to see things from varying perspectives combined with a love for writing allows me to pivot for purpose throughout varying jobs that I have held. As a teacher, I can now share my passion with my students and bring out the best writers in them. The publication of this book is just what I needed to drive me to produce more books, blogs and talks. When I think about who I am as a professional, writer is the first word that comes to mind.
If you would like to see more of my writing, check out The Life of a Teacher.
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